Christoph Kern


Opening | Inauguração: 30th of June at 7 pm | 30 de Junho às 19 horas

Open | Aberto: Mon-Fri from 3 to 7 pm | Dias Úteis das 15 às 19 horas


1960 Born in Munich

1979-1981 Studies in Philosophy and History, LMU, Munich

1981-1988 Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. BFA, Diploma, Master of Fine Arts.

1994-1996 Instructor for Design at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Potsdam

1997 Postgraduate scholarship, State of Bavaria, Department of Science and Culture, Munich

-Lecturer/visiting artist at SMFA, Boston, MA

-Visiting artist and presentation at the M.I.T. Media Lab and CAVS directed by Prof. Steve Benton

-Visiting artist and presentation at Hunter College, NYC

-Presentation of „The Imagery Kit“ at the

7th Annnual International Conference of The Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life

Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

1999-2016 Assistant Professor at the University of Paderborn. (Interface between analogue and digital media)

2016 Lecturer for Painting at Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen

2016 Lecturer for Painting at Caspar-David-Friedrich Institute, University of Greifswald

since 1989 lives and works in Berlin

Selected solo exhibitions

2014 CW 4G, Galerie Michael Heufelder, München

2014 Cubic Worlds revisited, VKU Berlin

2013 Open Space Gallery, University of Paderborn

2011 Galerie Heufelder, Cubic Worlds red.

2009 stands for attitude, part I + II, locus lux gallery, brussels, amsterdam

2009 Play on Flatland, Galerie Heufelder, Munich

2008 Cubic Worlds,Filipp Rosbach, Leipzig, Alte Spinnerei

2008 The Diversity of the Painted Cube, Titanium Yiayiannos Gallery, Athens;

2007/2002 Ulysses Gallery, Vienna; John Sailer and Gabriele Wimmer

2004 The Evolution of the Painted Cube,K.E.R.N Prod. (DVD)

2003 U.I.G. Galerie, Berlin

2001 Würfelspiel, Galerie Stühler, Berlin

2000 Artenvielfalt, GBW, Munich (catalogue)

1998 Uncertainty Principle, focus mediport, Berlin

1997 Storage, The Funeral Home, Boston, MA

1996 Bildsystem Bildbausatz, Neue Galerie Dachau (CD + catalogue)

1996 HART&weich, Städtische Galerie Neuburg (with W. Ellenrieder) (catalogue)

1989 Mit mir verglichen bin ich normal, Kunstverein DAH (catalogue)

1990 Stiegen, Galerie am Maxwehr, Landshut, (catalogue)

Selected group exhibitions

2012 Kunst- und Wunderkammer – revisited. Neue Galerie Landshut

Strategies of world development and the search for knowledge in contemporary art.

2012 Short Film Festival, Athens

2010 Grammar of Books, Radierverein, München

2009 Obsession 09, DEWILLEM3, Vlissingen, NL

2008 Bierlachen, werkschau galerie, Munich

2008 Dust Exterminator, filipp rosbach gallery, Leipzig

2008 Obsession, Neue Galerie, Landshut

2008/2005 The DVD-Project, München, Breda, Vlissingen, Madrid, Mexico

2005 In Deep, Transcending genre barriers – project group

1999 Bildwuchs, Kunstverein Ulm

1997 The Staff Shaft Show, SMFA, Boston, MA

1995 Toys, Edition, Galerie Hohenthal und Bergen Köln, Tine Nehler Art Consulting